Category: State Attorneys General
Emerging Trends in Consumer Protection: A Conversation With NAAG’s Kate DonovenRegulatory Oversight Podcast 11.6.24 In this episode of Regulatory Oversight, Clay Friedman, co-leader of the firm’s State Attorneys General team, welcomes Kate Donoven, consumer counsel at the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG). The conversation highlights Kate’s extensive career in consumer protection, her transition to NAAG, and the emerging trends and initiatives in consumer protection. Kate […]
A Look Ahead to the 2024 State AG Elections From DAGA President Sean RankinRegulatory Oversight Podcast 10.23.24 In this episode of Regulatory Oversight, Democratic Attorneys General Association (DAGA) President Sean Rankin joins Troutman Pepper Partners Ashley Taylor and Clayton Friedman to discuss the upcoming November 5 election and DAGA’s key focus states.
Unveiling the Impact: How Georgia’s Open Records Act Affects Private BusinessesRegulatory Oversight Podcast 10.16.24 In this episode of Regulatory Oversight, Stephen Piepgrass is joined by his colleague David Dove to discuss a recent Georgia Supreme Court decision that significantly impacts private companies under Georgia’s Open Records Act. Stephen and David examine the Georgia Supreme Court ruling in Milliron vs. Antonakakis, which expands the scope of […]
Enhancing Compliance: The Power of Independent Monitorships in Consumer ProtectionRegulatory Oversight Podcast 10.02.24 In this episode of Regulatory Oversight, Ashley Taylor is joined by Vincent DiCianni, founder of Affiliated Monitors, and Kevin Lownds, deputy chief of the Medicaid Fraud Division at the Massachusetts Attorney General’s office, to discuss the value and application of independent monitorships by federal and state agencies, especially in consumer protection […]
Navigating ESG: Preparing for Future Regulations (Part Two)Regulatory Oversight Podcast 09.05.24 In this episode of Regulatory Oversight, Mike Yaghi welcomes back Brooke Hopkins and Rob Sayegh of Alvarez & Marsal for the second part of their series on ESG compliance. This time, they dive into how companies can gear up for the upcoming Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) requirements in Europe, which […]
Navigating ESG: The Growing Importance and Compliance Challenges (Part One)Regulatory Oversight Podcast 08.20.24 In the first of a two-part series focused on the complexities of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards, Troutman Pepper Partner Mike Yaghi is joined by Brooke Hopkins and Rob Sayegh from Alvarez & Marsal. They dive into the growing importance of ESG, particularly in Europe, where stringent regulations like the […]
Georgia on My Mind: On the Frontlines of Federal Rulemaking With AG CarrRegulatory Oversight Podcast 06.17.24 In the latest episode of Regulatory Oversight, Troutman Pepper Partner David Dove welcomes Georgia Attorney General (AG) Chris Carr to discuss AG Carr’s unique approach to his role. His work is shaped by his experience in the legislative side and economic development, emphasizing the importance of problem-solving and fostering a pro-business […]
Decoding Privacy Laws: Insights for Small to Mid-Sized BusinessesRegulatory Oversight Podcast 05.28.24 In the latest episode of Regulatory Oversight, Troutman Pepper attorneys Gene Fishel and Joel Lutz welcome guests Aurelia Lewis and Beth Saunders of Lewis Media Partners to discuss evolving privacy laws and their impact on small to mid-sized businesses. Aurelia, as founder and president, and Beth, as vice-president, highlight their wealth […]
FCA Uncovered: Mitigating Risk in the Regulatory SpotlightRegulatory Oversight Podcast 05.14.24 In the latest episode of Regulatory Oversight, Troutman Pepper Partner Amy Williams welcomes Jenelle Beavers and Rob Sayegh from Alvarez & Marsal. Jenelle serves as a managing director and Rob as a senior director of A&M’s Disputes and Investigations practice. The group discusses state false claims acts, comparing them to their […]
Navigating Facility Relocation: Legal and Practical ConsiderationsRegulatory Oversight Podcast 04.24.24 This episode of Regulatory Oversight spotlights a recent episode of The Consumer Finance Podcast, “Navigating Facility Relocation: Legal and Practical Considerations,” featuring David Dove from our Regulatory Investigations, Strategy + Enforcement Practice Group. In this episode, podcast host and Consumer Financial Services Partner Chris Willis converses with David about the legal […]
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